Maze Generation — Recursive Backtracking
1. Introduction
Recursive backtracking is a relatively simple algorithm to randomly generate mazes. As the name implies, the algorithm relies on backtracking, and it achieves this by using recursion.
Before we start, you should probably take a look at Jamis’s post. It is a good read, and it inspired me to write this one.
In this post, we will see how to implement the algorithm in Python and will use the OpenCV library to actually draw the maze. Here is an example of the final output:
2. Explanation
You might have heard of recursive backtracking as an algorithm to solve mazes, or more generally find paths in a graph. The basic idea is very straightforward. In fact, it might be something that you subconsciously do for simple mazes. Take a path and keep going until you hit a dead-end. Then, retrace your path until you get to a point where you can start choosing paths again. Do this until you reach the destination.
Now you might wonder, how is an algorithm that solves mazes is also able to create them. It’s very simple. Instead of walls being cells that determine what a dead-end is, we use previously visited cells. What is a cell exactly? Instead of being in a maze, imagine we are in a grid now. the space between the walls is now a cell. Furthermore, as we move in the maze, we will “breakdown” these walls, and mark each cell we visit.
All of this becomes easier once we list the steps of the algorithm:
- Select a random cell to start.
- Choose a random adjacent cell. Only create a passage if that cell has not been visited yet.
- Repeat the process until there are no more adjacent cells to choose from.
- Start backtracking until you can choose a cell again.
- The algorithm is done when you return to the starting cell.
Here is a GIF showing the algorithm as it carves passages and creates the maze. White cells represent unvisited cells, black cells represent walls, and gray cells represent visited cells.
With all of that said, let’s get working on the actual code and build the algorithm ourselves.
3. Set Up
The set up for this project is very simple. The language we will be using is Python. There are a few external libraries required for this project:
Numpy is a very fast Python library used for working with multi-dimensional arrays. If you haven’t noticed by now, our maze is merely a 2d array. To install Numpy, run the following command:
pip install numpy
OpenCV is a library designed mainly for computer-vision and image processing. Since it has very nice pixel-based drawings, we can use it for our project. To install OpenCV, run the following command:
pip install opencv-python
4. Code
We begin by importing the libraries into our python code.
We can check that we have imported OpenCV correctly by adding the following to the beginning of our code:
If the library is installed correctly, you should get the version number of the OpenCV that you are using.
With the libraries all set up, we can move to implement the algorithm. One way to do this is to put our algorithm inside a function, and just call that function whenever we need it. This works, but as the project gets bigger and we introduce more algorithms and features, it might become a hassle to manage all of these functions. Instead, what we will do is encapsulate our algorithm inside a class. Then these classes contain the function(s) that are responsible for creating the maze.
So what are the attributes that we need? Firstly, we need to know the height and width of the maze that we are making. Then, we need to take the path that we will store the Maze’s image. Finally, I am going to add another parameter, which is going to be boolean determining if at the end we want to see the maze created or not. It is not necessary but it could come in handy for some projects.
Now we are ready to build our grid. We want the edges of our grid to be walls. After all, what sort of maze has no outer walls? Then, just like a normal grid, we will alternate between cells and walls, both horizontally and vertically. We will place this code in a function called create_maze() since it will also give us the final version of the maze.
In the first line after the function deceleration, we use numpy to create a 2d array. At this point, this array is the grid, but later on, it will turn into the maze, hence the name. The size of this array is the height and width, and we will fill it with 1. 1 in grayscale represents white, which we are using to denote unvisited cells.
Then, in the for loop, we go through the maze and change all the odd rows and columns to 0, black, which we are using to denote the walls. This will give us the desired alternating pattern of a grid.
Now, a keen eye might notice a problem here. What if our algorithm ends up on one of the unvisited cells on the edge? Then as it is examining its surroundings, it might try to check outside of the array. We can handle each edge and corner individually, but we can also apply a trick. Add an outer layer to the maze, and make every spot on this outer layer a visited node. This way, the algorithm can check places that are indeed outside of the maze, but still in the array, and since they are marked in advance, it will never try to go to these cells. This will save us quite a bit of overhead.
To add this to our code, we must also make sure that the height and width of our maze, including the outer visited layer, is odd. If this sounds confusing, try to draw a grid, with an outer layer and all edges being walls, and it will be obvious why. So now we have this code:
We are using 0.5, gray, to denote visited cells.
With our grid done, it is time to implement the algorithm itself. Remember that the algorithm is recursive, meaning that it will call itself. As a result, we are placing it in its own function. I am going to call this function generator and place it in the Backtracking class. The function requires 3 inputs: the current x and y location that it is at, and the grid it is in.
The first step is to mark the current location as visited. Then we want to check if we have any adjacent cells to visit or not.
At first, it might seem a bit confusing why we have grid[cy, cx] and not grid[cx, cy]. This is due to how numpy defines its axes. Axis 0 is the rows of the array, which means it’s the height. Axis 1 is the columns of the array, which means it’s the width.
Now, what if we are surrounded on all sides by visited cells? Well, then nothing. We are not going to do anything and will break out of one function call. What if there is a path through? In that case, we want to randomly choose a direction, and continue going that way.
Here is where the enum comes in handy. We can represent each direction with a number, but remembering which number is up, and which one is down isn’t optimal. Instead, we will use enums. Outside of the Backtracking class, declare an enum for directions:
Passing the class Enum as a parameter means that Directions will inherit from Enum, and therefore be an enum too. Note that you can create an enum (or just constants) for the colors on our grid. Here, I haven’t done that since that way it is a bit harder to see the relation between the numbers and grayscale colors, but that’s just personal preference.
Now we are ready to randomly select a direction.
After the else, we choose one element randomly from it and get some values corresponding to that direction. For instance, if we are traveling upwards, then the new empty cell to go to is located 2 units above (cy) and the wall to carve through is 1 unit above (my). Since we are moving in the up direction, we do not need to change the x values. Note that the else statement should never run, since at this point there is always 1 unvisited adjacent cell, but I kept it there.
Lastly, we want to check if this randomly selected adjacent cell is visited or not. If it is, then go and select another cell to move to. If not, then carve the wall, and then do the same process, this time on the new cell.
Take a look at the while statement. Let’s say at a cell, we have two options to go to: down and left. By chance, we start moving towards the bottom of the maze. Then we start hitting dead-ends and get back to this original cell. Now since we have this while statement, we have 3 more directions to check, only one of them unvisited. Therefore this time we will go towards the left side of the maze. Now you can see how all possible directions are checked.
At some point, the algorithm will find no adjacent cells to visit and will backtrack all the way to where it started, at this point, we have our maze. Luckily we don’t have to write any code for this, as this is when the function finishes.
Back in our create_maze() function, we must call our generator function. For us to make the function even more random, we select the starting points randomly. Make sure that the starting position is an unvisited cell, and not a wall or an outer layer part of the maze.
Now, maze will contain the … maze. It’s just that now everything that is not a wall is in gray, so we will just loop through the maze and change the color back to white.
We will add the entrance and exit to our maze. You can write additional code to place it somewhere random and valid in the maze, but for now, I’ll just put them in the top left and bottom right.
Lastly, we want to know if we should display the maze we just created, and save it as an image.
If you run into trouble creating bigger mazes, you can increase the recursion limit by using the following code:
You can take a look at the final code on GitHub.
5. Performance
Here is a table for the execution time of the function for different sized mazes averaged after 20 trials. Note that displaying and saving the maze have been excluded as they are not part of Recursive Backtracking itself.
Crunching the numbers will show you that the average time complexity of the algorithm is Θ(h × w) where h is the height of the maze, and w is the width.
Note that the major problem with using recursive backtracking is not time complexity, but rather space complexity, due to the sheer amount of recursive calls needed.
6. Closing Notes
Recursive backtracking is only one of many algorithms used to create mazes. It is quite easy to understand and code in most programming languages. It also utilizes one of the most important concepts in computer science, namely recursion. In addition, the mazes that it creates truly look random. Although for larger mazes it will be slow and would consume a large amount of memory, it works superbly on small to medium-sized mazes.
You can find the full code for this algorithm and a few other maze generating algorithms over on my GitHub. I acknowledge that this is merely a student project, and the code might have certain problems and could definitely be improved upon. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.